Tuition and Fees

Student Records & Registration

Tuition and Fees


Tuition and fees, as well as the refund policy, are set by the NC State Board of Community Colleges and the NC General Assembly (NCGA), and are subject to change. Any changes will be announced by the NCGA in July of each year. Refunds are automatically processed based on deadlines and drop dates.

Because the state helps pay the tuition of North Carolina residents out of tax dollars, tuition for North Carolina residents is $76 per credit hour, up to and including 16 credit hours. There will be a maximum charge of $1,216 per semester. Tuition for non-resident students is charged at the rate of $268 per credit hour with a maximum charge of $4,288 per semester. The college accepts Master Card, VISA, American Express, and Discover credit cards for registration payment.

A resident student is generally defined as one whose legal resided in North Carolina for at least 12 months before enrollment or re-enrollment in the college. The college operates on the semester system, and all students are expected to register during the dates listed in the Academic Calendar. The rates are subject to change by action of the NC General Assembly.

Want to see a close estimate of tuition and fees based on your specific courses? Check out our tuition calculator!

Number of Hours of Classes Taken In-State Tuition Out-Of State Tuition
1 $76.00 $268.00
2 152.00 536.00
3 228.00 804.00
4 304.00 1,072.00
5 380.00 1,340.00
6 456.00 1,608.00
7 532.00 1,876.00
8 608.00 2,144.00
9 684.00 2,412.00
10 760.00 2,680.00
11 836.00 2,948.00
12 912.00 3,216.00
13 988.00 3,484.00
14 1,064.00 3,752.00
15 1,140.00 4,020.00
16 1,216.00 4,288.00


Campus Access Fee

All students pay a campus access flat fee of $20 per semester/term which supports parking, security systems, student accident insurance, remote notification and public safety infrastructure, and other enhancements of access to college facilities. This fee is refundable only if the student completely drops all courses by the refund deadline as published in the Academic Calendar.

Accident insurance, covering hours in school, is required of all students and is included in the Campus Access Fee. All enrolled students of Rowan-Cabarrus are eligible. Students are covered while participating in scheduled, sponsored and supervised activities of Rowan-Cabarrus.

Student Activity Fee

Students at Rowan-Cabarrus are required to pay a $50 activity fee for fall and spring semesters (regardless of the number of credit hours enrolled). This fee covers student activities coordinated by the SGA. Students pay a $22 activity fee for summer term, regardless of the number of credit hours for which the student is enrolled.

Technology Fee

Students at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College pay a technology fee for each of the fall and spring semesters, and summer term. Technology fees cover the cost of instructional supplies, materials, computers and other technology support. Technology fees are charged on a pro-rate basis depending on the number of credit hours for which the student is enrolled as follows:

  • 7+ credit hours: $48 per semester, effective Spring 2024
  • 1-6 credit hours: $24 per semester, effective Spring 2024

Lab Fee

Curriculum students will pay a lab fee for courses that have an associated lab. The fee will range from $5 to $30.

Textbooks and Supplies

The cost of textbooks and supplies varies with the program of study. These items may be purchased from the online bookstore. The online bookstore accepts MasterCard and VISA credit cards for payment of textbooks and other merchandise.

Nursing Testing Fees

All Nursing students are required to pay a fee for testing services. This fee is billed for the NUR course at the time of registration. Please refer to the individual Nursing web pages for estimated program costs by semester.

Professional Liability Insurance

Cosmetology, Early Childhood Education, Dental, Nursing, Radiography, and Occupational Therapy Assistant students are required to purchase student professional liability insurance which is available for approximately $13 per year. Students in Continuing Education courses which require patient care or direct client service are also required to have professional liability insurance. The Rowan-Cabarrus Cashiers Office can provide additional information about this fee.

Graduation Fee

Curriculum students will pay a $10 fee each semester, regardless of participation in the ceremony. The fee is used to offset the costs of degree, diploma, and certificate production, cap and gown, and the ceremony. This fee is non-refundable.

Official Transcript Fee

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College in partnership with the National Student Clearinghouse provides twenty-four hour access to online transcript ordering through a secure website. Please use the online transcript request form. This fee is non-refundable.

Retest Fee

Students choosing to retest will pay a fee to cover the actual cost of the test. The cost will vary depending on the test or inventory type. Fees range from $5 to $22. This fee is non-refundable.

Art/Photography Fee

Students choosing to enroll in ART 261 – Photography I will be charged a material fee of $251 to cover expenses including, but not limited to, film, printing paper, chemistry, and facility rental.

Ceramics Fee

Students choosing to enroll in ART 283 and ART 284 will be charged $271.50 to cover the cost of facility usage and materials.

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